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1964 reads, "One year old – Richard Broggie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Broggie, 13007 Grade St., Sylmar, was dealt a joker by Mother Nature. He was born on Leap Year Day. Here Richard digs into his first legitimate birthday cake. Yep, just a single candle for four years." Photo by Steve Young” width=”609″ height=”800″ /> Photograph caption dated February 29, 1964 reads, “One year old – Richard Broggie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Broggie, 13007 Grade St., Sylmar, was dealt a joker by Mother Nature. He was born on Leap Year Day. Here Richard digs into his first legitimate birthday cake. Yep, just a single candle for four years.” Photo by Steve Young- Four-year-old Glen Croson finally got to celebrate a birthday today. He was only baby born Feb. 29, 1956 at Encino Hospital, March 3, 1960. Photo by William H. Wilde
- Leap Year kids, February 29, 1964. Photo by Steve Young
- Mrs. Valentin Cruz, 10202 Jardine Ave., Sunland, hasn’t decided on a name for her 6-pound daughter, born Feb. 29 at Victory Hospital, North Hollywood, the child will have a birthday every year – not just once every fourth Leap Year, March 2, 1964