During the civil right movement, organizations such as as the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) worked for social change through direct action campaigns. Below are images of these civil rights groups, active in the Valley, protesting racial discrimination.
- CORE members pass out pamphlets in Pacoima protesting the jailing of Freedom Riders. From left, Michael Haimovitz, 19, Stevie Lipney, 17, and Ernie Dillard, 23, July 24, 1961. Order #00111921
- Members of San Fernando Valley CORE picket Bullock’s Fashion Square Sherman Oaks, April 6, 1964. Order #00084539
- Members of the Non-Violent Action Committee protest racial discrimination at Van de Kamp’s, 6261 Laurel Canyon Blvd., North Hollywood. Photo by Bob Martin, March 23, 1964. Order #00117608
- Civil rights leader, James Forman, head of the Student Non-Violent Co-ordinating Committee discusses group’s position at Valley State College (now CSUN) student meeting. Photo by Tom Kravitz, May 5, 1965. Order #00115982
Good evening
I am seeking information on any cases you may have information on regarding cases of abuses of civil liberties and rights by local leadership and decision makers . Also regarding unwitting community monitoring practices authorship merit.
Thank you for any assistance.
Hi Cristine, the Social Sciences Department at Central Library will have materials relating to abuses of civil liberties. Information about that department can be found here: http://www.lapl.org/branches/central-library/departments/science-technology-patents Best of luck with your research.