In this series from October 18, 1960, shot by Larry Paulson, we get a look at the inner workings of the Valley Times as students tour the paper’s North Hollywood offices during National Newspaper Week.

“Students from Winnetka Avenue Elementary School in Canoga Park gaze in awe at huge cylindrical press and watch as white paper roll races between plates and is changed into Valley Times Today. Pressmen later gave paper hats to 37 members of school’s B-3 class who toured newspaper.” Order #00113553
- “Makeup man Gordon Brown sets type into page form in part of printing operation as, from left, Terry Fabricant, 7 1/2; Linda Sanchez, 8; Katherine Ray, 8 1/2, and Richard Wertz, watch.” Order #00113555
- “Pictures that flash across United States in a few seconds on Associated Press Photofax machine draw intent looks of, from left, Robert Barnett, 8 1/2; Terry Fabricant, 7 1/2, and Steve Higginbottom, 7 1/2.” Order #00113554
- “Thomas Jardine, Valley Times Today public relations manager, watches with interested youngsters as folded papers come off machine in the mailing room. Boys and girls saw operation that produces thousands of newspapers six days a week, every week of the year.” Order #00113557

“Wide grins crease faces of young students as they sit in newspaper photographic studio with Mrs. Joelle Green, left, their teacher, and Valley Times Today staff writer Jerry Burns.” Order #00113556